How do I create an SMB, Enterprise or Reseller account within my Birdeye reseller account?
If you have signed up as a reseller with Birdeye, you have the ability to add a single or multiple SMB, Enterprise/multi-location and Reseller accounts on your Birdeye account.
Login to your Birdeye reseller account and go to the 'Businesses' tab on the left navigation rail. On the 'Businesses' page, click on the 'Add Business' button on the top right.
You can now choose to add either a single location or 'SMB account', a multi-location or 'Enterprise' account, or a 'Reseller' account under the 'Business type' section. To add a single location SMB account, select 'Business' as the business type and enter the required information in different fields.
To add a multi-location or 'Enterprise' account, select 'Enterprise' as the business type, and enter information in the field marked as 'Enterprise Name'. Select either 'Locations' or Products' for the enterprise depending on whether the account you are setting up will have multiple locations or products.
To add a 'Reseller' account, select 'Reseller' as business type and add the reseller's name.
If you want to add multiple SMB accounts in one go, click on the 'Add multiple businesses' button on the bottom right.
Once on the 'Add business' page, click on the 'Download Template' button to download an Excel file to enter business information.The downloaded Excel sheet will have three tabs - Instructions, Specifications, and Setup Business. The 'Instructions' tab will have the necessary steps to fill in the business information in the Excel file.
The 'Specifications' tab has multiple fields, out of which the name, zip code and phone are required fields. As a guide, each field has the 'Description' and 'Comments' section next to it. If you want to include any field to input data for direct upload into the accounts, enter 'Y' in the 'Include this' section.
Under the 'Review monitoring sites' section, Facebook, and Google have been added by default, but you have the ability to add multiple review monitoring sites. To add a new site to monitoring, enter additional rows and add the name of the review site you want to add to monitoring. Mark it 'Y' in the 'Include this' section.
Click on the 'Setup Business' button at the top of the 'Specifications' page. If you want to refresh the Excel sheet to the default view, click on the 'Reset selection' button.
Once you click on the 'Setup Business' button, all the included fields will be populated for you to add business information. Enter relevant business information for all the SMB businesses you want to add.
Once you have added information for all the fields, save and upload the Excel sheet by clicking the 'Upload file' button on the 'Import businesses' page.